Allan J Findlay, better known as Big Al, was an amazing person and gave freely and generously of his time and compassion to the local community. He was well known for the support he gave to many organisations and individuals, for connecting with folk of all ages and backgrounds, and for making a huge difference in the lives of so many.
Allan moved to Porepunkah initially and became involved in youth welfare via Bright P-12 College and the
O & K Community Health, but his care of, and unselfish contribution to the wellbeing of others extended far beyond his job. He was a genuine friend to all who had the good fortune to have encountered him. He was a true local from 1999, until his un-timely death in 2019 at the age of 63.
In recognition of Al’s life and generous contributions to his community, his relentless efforts to support and mentor, and his unwavering dedication to assist anyone in need, the Allan J Findlay Memorial Bursary has been established by the Lions Club of Bright and the Rotary Club of Bright. The purpose of the Bursary is primarily to assist young people in continuing Al’s philosophy of selfless community contribution, and to assist them to full-fill their aspirations of giving back to their community – something Al would humbly approve of.
Who can apply?
The Bursary application process recognises personal achievement and is designed to help young people with financial assistance to pursue their goals.
It is open to students in Years 9 to 12 levels, residing in the Alpine Shire – this includes young people who school out of the area, are home-schooled, or are no longer school-based.
Young people who are helping to make the world a better place are ideal candidates for this Bursary.
What is the Bursary likely to support?
The successful applicant will direct the bursary toward goals and ideas which may include elements of:
- Personal growth for the applicant
- Benefits for the wider community
- Activities/experiences not usually available in the local area which will have a positive impact on the local community
- Definitive demonstration of community involvement
Applicants will need to demonstrate that the bursary will significantly assist them to achieve their goal/potential.
How much can be applied for?
A total bursary of $2000 will be made annually (by the Bright Lions and Rotary Clubs) to support a young person with financial assistance to reach their goals and/or further their studies, expand their networks to reach out and connect with others in their area of commitment and/or concern.
When can you apply?
Applications for 2024 will be accepted from 5/3/2024 until 5/4/2024.
How do you apply?
Download the application form and once completed, email to or send by mail to Attention: AJF Bursary, Bright Lions Club, PO Box 100, Bright, 3741.
Applications to be received by the close of business 5/4/24.
How are successful applicants selected?
An independent selection panel is established annually to consider and evaluate applications and to then allocate the Bursary monies.
Members of the Lions Club of Bright and the Rotary Club of Bright, as well as an independent Community member form the panel Executive.
As part of the assessment process, applicants will be asked to attend an interview and if necessary, provide further information to support their application.
The Bursary recipient may be asked during their award year, to make their time and skills available to assist with community projects and events, and to provide volunteer support to the Lions Club of Bright and the Rotary Club of Bright.
If there are no proposals deemed satisfactory in any year, the Bursary may not be awarded.