Welcome to the Bright Lions Club
Where is Bright Lions Club
Bright is within the Alpine Shire located in North East Victoria and is a premier tourist destination in Victoria attracting visitors locally, nationally and internationally.
Bright Lions Club is an important part of the community fabric of the township of Bright

When and where does the club meet
The club meets on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Tuesdays of each month at its clubhouse, the Fred Nimmo Memorial Shed, in Pioneer Park Bright.
Meetings are dinner meetings commencing at 7pm with members gathering socially from 6.30pm

The Club
“We serve because we care”
The Bright Lions Club was formed in 1976 and as of 2023 still one active charter member amongst its membership of 19.
The club has also bestowed 9 Melvin Jones Fellowships for services to community, club or Lions. The Lions Club consists of a membership of men and women from many and varied backgrounds providing many alternative for assisting in the community.
The Lions Club also has a Ladies Auxiliary who are active with their own projects and when required with support from the Club.

Club Executives
Graham Badrock – Secretary
Andrina Crome – President
Stephen Jenvey – Treasurer
Club Annual Projects and activities include :
- Support to Bright Kustom Car Club Rod run
- Support to Spring festival fireworks night
- Staging of the Great Australian Duck Race
- Participation in the Autumn Festival Gala Day activities including parade entry
- Support to the Gravity Enduro cycling event
- Staging the Lions Youth of the Year program
- Working with Bright Rotary Club to allocate the Allan J Findlay bursary
- Provide auspicing support to community groups operating within Bright
- Provide financial support to Bright P12 College for student development programs
- Stage the awarding of the club annual award for community service – The McGillivray Award
- Emergency provision of Firewood to those in need who have been referred to the club
- Much fundraising including Christmas raffle, wood raffles, catering services to market and other functions when requested and man-power resourses to other community groups seeking to establish their events
- Deliver financial support to the efforts of young people to achieve their aims and ambitions
- Improve club facilities including clubrooms and Lions Park

Latest News
Allan J Finlay Memorial Bursary
Allan J Findlay, better known as Big Al, was an amazing person and gave freely and generously of his time and compassion to the local community. He...
Duck Race 2024
Our hardworking Lions at the Duck Race 2024. We had a great day and very lucky with the weather at the time of the race. Thanks to everyone for...
Duck Race Winners 2024
The winners of the Great Australian Duck Race 2024 are : 1st Prize - Ticket #207 2nd Prize - Ticket # 413 3rd Prize - Ticket # 220 4th Prize -...